Sunday, November 11, 2012

I Am Thankful, Really I Am

Some days it may not seem so, but I am thankful.
For a Loving Father who understands my need to rationalize and not always go blindly by my faith.
Because He once walked humanly upon this earth, because He once felt the pain of heartache, and
He knows the human emotion of loss-He understands me. 
He also created me and knows instinctively every breath I take, every thought I think, and every word
I utter. He created my heart to love, to beat and to feel emotion.
How could I not be thankful for a God like that?
And yet, there are days when my silence speaks louder than any words. When my tears can write
volumes and my thoughts are not peaceful and kind.
On those days-He loves me a little more.
He knows my sadness and wants to comfort me. He never pushes, but gently lets me know His presence.
He is ever close but never overbearing.
He is my Father, my Friend and my Savior.
I am thankful.
I am thankful for a husband who is there to lean on and listen. He lets be bawl my eyes out in the middle of
a store because I saw something that reminds me of Shanny, or I heard a song on the radio in the car on the ride over. He doesn't hush me or hurry me along, he holds me, in the middle of the aisle and lets me cry it out. He hands me his handkerchief and wipes my tears, kisses my forehead, takes my hand and we make our way along the aisles with tears on our faces knowing the love we shared for Shanny is our own and no one can take our memories. David only knew her a short while, he loved her just the same, and understands
when I get overwhelmed.
I am thankful.
I am thankful for family that supports the process of healing. When its a late night phone call. A teary hug or a lengthy conversation. My family, extended and blended, are all supportive and loving and I am blessed to have them all in my life during this time. I treasure them collectively and individually for the memories we create when we are together and the moments we share by face book, photos and email.
I am thankful.
For friends, who have known me for years and understand my craziness. Underneath that layer of silliness beats a heart that feels deeply about so many things and people. I treasure so many memories and I think back over the years and the smiles I have been given. God has richly blessed my life with people that I could
not imagine not knowing in this life. I am so very touched by them. Their gifts of love, friendship, kindness and support mean more to me than they will ever know.
I am thankful.
For my work family, because they enrich me. I am blessed to have a job I truly enjoy going to each day. The people I share my day with bring me light and joy and peace. The Veterans I serve give me an opportunity to
give back just a fraction of what they have given me.
I am thankful.
For my Angels 1,2, 3. God is forever blessing me! Shannon, Kimmy, and Tina makes three-
Three Little Angels-God Blessed Me!
I am always and forever blessed with my girls. And of course, my eight beautiful Grand-Angels! Not to mention, three wonderful sons-in-law.
I am thankful.
There may be days when the sadness creeps in and dampens my spirit, but never steals my joy. I am blessed
and I know it in my heart of hearts. Even when I am hurting, and missing Shanny, my mom and dad, and my other relatives around my Thanksgiving table, I will remember-they are at my heart's table, dining preciously
in Heaven with Our Heavenly Father and I will be thankful.
So, I will continue to pray-because I know the power of prayer and faith as a mother grieves.

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