Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Love Is Powerful

My girls and my grand angels remind me every day just how powerful love really is. I actually stopped and felt my heart beat last night because I couldn't believe the amount of love that radiated from my grand angels during the day at church and PSR. I know it sounds crazy, but if I am open to it, it is healing.

Their laughter is so joyful and their warm little voices give me that breath I couldn't take in the morning. Something about the clean smell of a child, their pure sweetness-gives me energy I didn't know I had. Love comes in so many forms, if we are open to them.

Healing from loss is not an easy or simple journey. No two are ever exactly alike in length or depth or character. The common factor in every journey is pain. Each of us must travel our own path until we are able to breathe again without thinking about it. Then, when we are capable of opening our eyes to a new day without the first question being-why? Our focus must once again involve someone other than ourselves-then, we are on the path of healing.

For some, it can happen incredibly fast and for others it may take months or even years. Love has to play a part in the process of healing or we will not evolve. There is only one love strong enough to cover the sadness of this loss and that is God's love. When we come to terms with our pain and and reach beyond our own desperate wall of hurt, and begin to see the love of God again, we will heal. He is patient.

The Father's love will comfort and soothe. Prayer and faith come together and create a balm that covers the wound of grief and brings relief. You will begin to feel the numbness lift and the fog clear. Love will bring clarity and you will find peace in helping others. Grief will take on a different life and you may not feel as lost or beaten. You will begin to notice the power of your smile again.

The guilt of what if-should have-and could have will transform into I can and will and do. Your strength will grow wings and you will reach out to others in pain and wipe their eyes and hug them close. You will bring comfort because you know the power of love.

You may attend a group and actually contribute now, you have found your voice. You may recognize someone in anger, but you know that is not where you are, but that is alright-say a prayer for them, to find their love. You may choose to speak with your minister or priest, ask questions-it is healthy and it is out of love you seek answers now.

There are other avenues you may explore. Once you have firmly placed your life in the hands on God, there is no question of faith. You no longer question motives, seek revenge or recklessly go about exploding with anger. Your faith has put into perspective the questions without answers. Prayer has given you strength where only weakness once lived.

I wanted so to dream of Shanny and to speak with her. I had heard of Mediums before, but had been cautioned against them. Thankfully, my therapist was very objective on the matter and really helped me with the subject at hand rather than brow beat me or berate me for seeking information on the matter. Once, I came to terms with the fact that I did not feel it was a sin against God-I began my search for a Medium I could connect with. The reason I am sharing this is simple. If you feel drawn to exploring , do not just turn away, love is powerful and your loved one might be trying to reach you. If your faith in God is just that-He is God, you praise only Him-there is nothing to feel ashamed of or guilty about learning about the gift. I remember searching several sites and conversing by email with a few regarding Mediums-what they do, how they do it, did it effect my religious beliefs...

I prayed on it for some time before I came to terms with my heart and what was right for me. Then, I did what was right for me, I contacted Michelle and spoke with her. She was very patient and kind. After several questions, Michelle told me to pray on it before I decided about a reading. Sometimes, emotionally, we act out of angst and we really need to act from our heart.

My decision was- I wanted the reading. The communication I had was loving and compassionate and I truly felt at peace. If you are considering this type of healing, please feel free to contact Michelle for information. There is no pressure, and you may find some healing, as I did.  Soul Healing and Spirit Connection, 314-346-4977.  Michelle has a Facebook page, or you may want to give her a call. I find exploring the alternatives never hurts and often will ease your tension and the feeling that you might be missing an opportunity to connect with your loved one.

Always, remember to pray because we know the power of prayer and faith as a mother grieves. Blessings!

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