Monday, November 4, 2013

Pre-Thanksgiving Thanks

Every day should be Thanksgiving! There is so much in my life to be thankful for these days! I have the most supportive family that knows how to love me in every stage of my grief. They know when to advance and retreat, and when they get confused~ they ask! When I feel like talking, I can pick up the phone and talk away, and when I need solitude to heal, they grant me that, but continue to pray for me. What greater blessing could I possibly receive?

My three little Angels, one in Heaven to watch over me and two right here beside me, such love God has blessed me with from all sides!

A husband who listens and catches my tears. We may not be the richest in money. We may not drive fancy cars, but my husband listens to me when I need to talk and share, he hears me sob and he catches my tears. He will envelop me in his arms and weep with me at times. We are great friends and when we fuss, there is no fear that it will go further than a fuss, we have learned to trust. 

Eight unbelievable grand children that are filled with love and smiles and hugs! Each one unique and sharing their own personality with me when we play. I love that part the best. I can truly be anything and anyone I want to be with them, and they love me all the more for it! If I fancy a queen or a magician one day, they are my audience, and their laughter is my reward. When after I color a picture, I hear,"so pretty MeeMaw, I so proud of you." Nothing else much matters. I told you, I am very blessed and extremely grateful.

Two best friends who knew me before I really knew myself. They have loved me through it all-good and bad and in-between. A rare find in this crazy world!  Friends who are able to grasp my quirky side and smile with it. Some may not get me, but these two friends have laughed with me and cried with me, and shaken fists at those that have tried to hurt me. Treasures of my heart.

I have something so fantastically special that I want to share it everyone I meet! I have Salvation. The Lord Jesus saved me and Heaven awaits, where one day I will be reunited with my family, my friends, and most of all~my Shanny. Without this most precious gift, it wouldn't be possible. 

I have a job and a roof over my head and food and clothes and all the things in life I sometimes take for granted. Today, I want to stop and take a moment to be thankful. It should never take a holiday to say thank you for all the blessings poured down from up above. Some days, I feel rushed and hurriedly go about my business, meaning to say thank you, just not doing it. Other days, I am sad and don't feel like saying thank you, because my heart is hurting, so I push the feeling aside. 

And then, there are days like today, when I feel the blessings, I see them, and I look around and I am humbled by this beautiful world God has blessed me with and all that He has given me. Do I still grieve for my daughter? Of course. But, I am able to feel joyful and appreciate my blessings. Some days, I think I appreciate them even more. Maybe that is another lesson Shanny is teaching me along life's journey. To remember to say thank you, even when it isn't Thanksgiving~it should be!


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